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Combining two most coveted colours of Citrine; lemon yellow and brownish tones wearing this organic untreated Citrine necklace gives one a feeling of owning a mine of one's own. Often referred to as the "Merchant's stone", Citrine is considered to be extremely beneficial for those in business. Tracing its origins back to 300 BC when Citrine was a favourite amongst Greek and Roman jewellers, Citrine has shown up in prominent jewels of Queen Victoria and the daggers and of Scotsmen. It also emerged as a hot favourite in the Art Deco era when various Hollywood celebrities sported it on the red carpet. Today Citrine remains a popular gemstone for adornment and has become equally popular for its various positive effects on the wearer. It is known to increase success in business, dissipate negative energy and increase a sense of well being in the wearer.


Country of Origin: Russia
Length: 27"
Weight: 0.22 lb
Clasp Type: Box Clasp with Golden plating


At Raziel gemstones we take pride in the quality of our stones and the beauty of our finished products. We believe in preserving the natural state of our gemstones as much as possible thereby creating beautiful symmetrical pieces where each bead is unique in cut and shape. We also believe that each stone's characteristics can positively enhance corresponding traits within our personalities. Hence, our manufacturing process aims to avoid stone treatments as much as possible to bring you all due benefits. 

Shaded Citrine Necklace

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